23 November 2009

Sleepless (in Seattle)...

image from photographers.com

Okay, so finally we have an authoritative source for why sleep is a problem for many OSx86 - in other words, Hackintosh - boxes and books alike. This is how one well-known and well-respected hackintosher puts it:

Definition of S3 sleep state - S3: Commonly referred to as StandbySleep, or Suspend to RAMRAM is still powered. The fans on your desktop/notebook will be remain off until the system is woken by pressing the power button or using a USB input device (mouse, keyboard).
  1. Overclocking - To make sure this isn’t a variable set your CPU, memory, etc to the stock settings.
  2. Ram - If you’ve got a bad stick of ram or a different speed of ram in your system this can potentially keep your system from sleeping
  3. DSDT - An incorrect edit or using another motherboard’s DSDT can affect sleep functionality among other odd characteristics as well.
  4. NVCAP (Nvidia gfx) - Having an incorrect NVCAP set for your NVIDIA card can cause sleep issues, black screens and blue screens.
  5. ATI GFX cards - Using an ATI card with or without the proper edits can be the cause of your system not sleeping. I still consider ATI for OSx86 to be a work-in-progress.
  6. PCI Cards - Sometimes a PCI device such as a firewire card can keep the system from entering sleep mode.
  7. Bios - Adjust power settings. Trial and error. Test and repeat.
  8. Hibernation mode enabled - Make sure your OS isn’t using Hibernation mode by typing ‘pmset -g | grep hibernatemode’ in Terminal. If it returns with ‘hibernatemode 0’ you’re golden.

Source from stellarola.


Anonymous said...

hi, I just wanna, are you running snow leopard? Is it more better than leopard 10.5.8? speed wise or overall performance?

LeMaurien19 said...

Snow Leo Retail (Vanilla). Yep, I can say it's snappier in feel than Leopard but the difference is minimal - at least on a netbook like the HP Mini which runs on Atom. The difference in performance will be much noticeable in Dual Cores + computers.